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                        Friends, relationships and life

Writing covering the sanctity of relationships and social vulnerabilities

Man is derived from the word "instinct" which means the creature in which the substance of love and affection is found. That is why a human being is attracted to another human being and animals also become acquainted with human beings due to this attribute. You can gauge this natural love by the fact that human beings have not yet come into the world but in the hearts of their parents. For love is born. When this person is born, he brings with him a beautiful series of relationships and relationships. The relationship of parents, the relationship of siblings, grandparents, grandparents, etc., with time. This circle of relationship extends to friends, classmates, colleagues and partners. A person is lucky to have sincere and loyal friends and thanks to them he makes his life beautiful, while the lives of some people. It is empty of this blessing.

In terms of relationships, if we look at our society, we find two extremes. One extreme is that in which a person becomes indifferent to all relationships and only builds his world. The other extreme is that a person understands his world only to his friends and starts spending morning and evening in gossip and parties. Both of these situations take him away from a good and standard life.

Research has shown that the reason behind the habit of people who are bored with people is that such people do not have the courage to endure the pain caused by relationships, so they try to stay away from relationships. The second reason is the internet and digital gadgets (devices) that take them away from humans and make them feel good while spending time with them. These people try to alleviate the grief of their loneliness through mobile and internet. This may not be of any temporary benefit, but one of the major disadvantages is that the social life of such people is ruined. There is another type of people who are not bored by the people. They live with everyone in the society but people are disgusted with them. Research has shown that people who have the following flaws do not want to be associated with them.

(1) Immorality

He says

"Even animals don't like immorality."

From this one can guess how a sensible person would like something that even animals do not like. An immoral person cannot become a social bank and that is why he is left alone in the society.

(2) Selfishness

Every human being who is in love with his own self and thinks only of himself. He doesn't care if another person is benefiting or harming. Even such a person loses his dignity very quickly and good people gradually get out of his life.

(3) Greed

A person who is always anxious to get his work out and uses people to leave is also very quickly left alone. Usually such people wear the mask of goodness, but when you approach them. And if you do some dealings with them, you will know that their goodness was only for that purpose so that they can get th

eir work out.

(4) Suspicion

People don't want to be associated with anyone who is suspicious for no reason and tries to find a negative side to everything. Doubt is the scissors of love. When there is doubt in any relationship, it definitely brings cracks in the relationship. The example of life is like a bus. Such a person when every other person gets off the bus of his life due to suspicion. There will come a time when he will be left alone in this bus.

Relationships and social weaknesses

There is an old saying:

"Don't be too soft to squeeze and not too dry to break."

The best person is the one who lives a life of moderation. You should not have such a hard temper that people stop meeting and you should not have a soft temper so that any human being can interfere in your life whenever he wants. Here, if you live by setting some rules for yourself, then you are labeled as an arrogant and hard tempered person. If you adopt a gentle temperament, then people take advantage of it so badly that the basic They forget about ethics and disturb your personal life as well. Some of the social weaknesses in relation to relationships are pointed out below.

(1) Expectation

: HopeOrdinary Topar Whenever a relationship or friendship is formed with someone, a lot of expectations are placed on him. The biggest expectation is that somewhere this person will come in handy.

(2) Unnecessary interference

A friend or relative is sometimes curious about personal things that have nothing to do with him. He knows full well that your personal life is completely isolated and that only you have the right to it. Yes, but he still tries to interfere with your personal life.

(3) Meeting without notice

Some people come to visit without any prior notice, which spoils your routine. At such a time, if you are busy with some important work and can't give them full time, then these people are so angry. In this digital age, reporting has become much easier. You can tell anyone about your arrival via text message, phone call or e-mail. If you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position

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